Inquiry Findings: Blog #2

Environment   Mar 24, 2017 by Max Goehrum

For my research I went to multiple government website and local organizations websites to gather data and facts of the declining population of Toronto's native species. The data i found showed that data of what we all already know, the rising in temperature is impacting wildlife population, but there are additional contributors to population loss. Thee include the expansion of the urban environment into the natural environment, and the pollution of the natural habitat. The decline of wildlife also doesn't help the situation for climate change, there is less of a buffer to combat the effects of greenhouse gases. The population of hundreds of species are dwindling, and the citizens of Toronto need to take a stand to save their native species. If the majority of people just disregard this threat to their city and wildlife, there will not be a lot to save later on. Tho, as of right now, there is still a chance to bring the wildlife population's back up to what they used to be. Many laws and regulations need to be implicated to do so, such as limiting the expansion of urban area, reduction of CO2 being emitted and the conservation of all natural area. In addition to the laws, the citizens of Toronto need to be educated on the negative path we are all traveling along so we can all change our ways for the better. There is still a chance for the whole world to be saved, we all have to come together and combine our efforts, because this is our one and only earth and we have to protect it.

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1 Comment(s)

Mar 26, 2017

Hello Max,

Your findings are quite interesting - placing limits on the expansion of urban areas, reduction of CO2 being emitted and the conservation of all natural areas are all very good points. Thanks for sharing with us!

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