Climate Change Blog #2

Environment   Mar 24, 2017 by Kevin

Animals play a significant role in the production of the resources that we consume on a daily basis. Bee’s are one of the more important species and they are currently endangered. If bee’s become extinct then humans would have to self pollinate through the process of hand pollination and pollen dusting. In order to satisfy the amount of acres that the bee’s did, we would have to pay a estimated cost of $876,538,125 USD. These costs could be avoided if bee’s are living a sustainable life. This data was provided to me through multiple websites that touches on the importance of animals. This amount of money would have to be taken from the annual budget which would mean the cost of daily activities would further increase. In addition, we may lose the benefits that the government provides to us, such as health care, education and etc. I went through multiple government websites to gather the necessary information to provide the knowledge to others. In addition, I also asked for the help of my peers, they provided me with their personal experiences. Their personal experiences allowed me to understand how people are impacted by the loss of specific animals. In conclusion, I have fully realized the importance of animals and how their existence impacts the environment. 

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1 Comment(s)

Mar 27, 2017

Hello Kevin,

Nice post! How can we ensure that the bees in our communities do not go extinct?

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