Inquiry Question: Blog Post #2

Environment   Mar 27, 2017 by Yasmeen

For the information I went to multiple sites, both provincial and non-profits. I found that there are many issues concerning natural resources and native animals to the wildlife in Toronto.With the unpredictable weather many in the maple syrup industry are concerned how early the season would start and if the tree would supply them. Also, the trees could be more susceptible to diseases that are normally found in warmer climates, many of the trees that are accustomed to the colder climate would suffer due to the warmer climate and may not be able to supply what they normally do.Many Canadian government websites are posting ideas and ways which you could help reduce climate change and your carbon footprint.Conclusions I’ve reached with the information I’ve collected would include planting more trees, killing less bees, polluting the water less by not feeding bread to ducks and throwing it into the Humber river and just letting people know how they contribute to these issues and how they could make a positive change. Without changes many native animals and trees could be lost and our water animals would be compromised by water pollution.

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1 Comment(s)

Mar 27, 2017

Planting more trees is a solution - it is a big project but one that works in many communities and schools!

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