Latest Announcement

Welcome to the Student Leaders Webinar: Ontario

Posted by Terry Godwaldt on 1 Apr 2016

Dear Student Leaders and Teachers,

Thank you for agreeing to be a Student Leader. This is an exciting project and a unique opportunity for over 400 students from across Ontario to present their ideas to Premier Wynne on how to move Ontario to a low-carbon future. This announcement is specifically for the Student Leader Webinars taking place between April 4-13th. Two things:

  1. Voting (There are two ways to vote: Cell Phones or Website)
    1. Cell Phones:
      1. Text Options to 587-409-6630
    2. Vote directly from this site: (Click below, on select button on the far right of your desired option)

  1. Blogging (Students will do 3 things in their blogs):
    1. Post a blog entry tell about their Inquiry Question. What is their question? What process did they go through to reach their question? Why is it a great question?
    2. Post a blog entry sharing their Inquiry Findings. Where did you go for information? What did you find out? What conclusions did you reach
    3. Post comments to blog posting of other students from other schools. What do you find interesting in their inquiry? Any suggestions for them? Anything in common with your inquiry? Any differences from your inquiry?