Primary Source anwser

Apr 8, 2016 by Danielle

*Anwser from primary source*

Question: If deer ate the crops growing on local farms what would be the financial impact to the farmers? 

If you have a field of crops that is growing far away from people and there is a lot of deer they will eat a lot of the crop. They will also cause damage by walking and laying down on the crops. It can be a big loss. If the farmer is trying to keep them away they will also have the financial loss of their time and energy trying to keep them away. If it is just a couple of deer the loss will be very little.

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1 Comment(s)

May 12, 2016

Please post your contact - who was it?

May 15, 2016

My primary source was Scott Modler. A local farmer in the Gananoque/Lansdowne area 

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