Climate change affects a bird’s instinctive motive to migrate which can cause them to start dying

Apr 6, 2016 by Adrianna Romeo

If the temperature by 2050 increases by 4 degrees it can cause geese and other birds who migrate during the winter to get confused. Instead of leaving Canada at the proper time, they will stay for longer, then when sudden cold hits many birds will freeze to death because they cannot adapt to colder climates.

Questions I have:

1. How will an increase of temperature affect migrating birds?

First off, because the temperature getting warmer, birds are migrating earlier. In a study for a total of 63 years for 93 different species, showed that 27 of these species had changed their arrival date significantly. Most birds arrive earlier, due to us having a warmer spring. Many species of birds are also delaying their departure time in the fall.By 2050, some birds may cease to migrate altogether.

2. What are the Canadian Geese migration patterns as of today, and how will they change?

In the Red is where the Canadian Geese mostly stay during the summertime. The blue is where they stay in the winter, and the grayish-green is both where they can stay year round.

3.How will bird migration affect human population and life?

Bird’s migration habits do not affect humans directly, but we can do things in order to help the birds. Humans are contributing to the bird’s migration patterns to change. Humans are destroying the habitats of birds, which affects their migration patterns.

4. How are birds affected by intense heat? Somewhat like humans? And How?

In Ontario intense heat does not directly impact birds, because in the next 50 to 100 years the weather will not get hot enough to have a huge impact on birds.

5. Will the migrating path of the Canadian Geese change so much that the bird may be pushed out of Canada?

In the next 50 years, the Canadian Geese migration patterns will not change so much that they may be pushed out of Canada. The heat will only go up about 5 degrees and that is not enough to make them leave. However if the temperature keeps increasing, it is possible for that to happen, but not anytime soon.

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1 Comment(s)

May 12, 2016

Are their birds that are of particularly high economic importance that will be impacted? Of particularly high ecological importance? 

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