Climate Change Hypothesis- Danielle Boulay

Apr 6, 2016 by Danielle

Due to climate change I think the amount of ticks will increase as well as the deer population. Ticks enjoy the warm weather because they die in cold temperature. If the temperature increases so would the tick population putting humans at a greater risk for Lyme disease. If the temperature increases it would cause more forest fires meaning the deer population would increase. This is because deer are attracted to places with new brush or just chopped down brush. If Gananoque experiences more forest fires due to climate change deer would be attracted to this area and they would reproduce increasing the population of deer. More deer would mean more car crashes due to them crossing the road. An increase in the deer population would affect our food supply because, since there would be more deer around this area they would eat the food that is being grown at our local farms. When there is no new brush for them to eat or when they want something new to eat they would go to our local farms and eat the food the farmers are growing. This would decrease our food supply.     

Question: How will climate change impact animals in Ontario by 2050? 

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2 Comment(s)

May 12, 2016

Perhaps you could track deer populations by looking into either hunting licenses or accidents related to deer. You mention that deer like new growth - another approach woudl be to track down when our areas waws last logged, and what age of forest specifically the deer prefer.

Stephen MacKinnon
Apr 9, 2016

Have you found data on the deer population in your area?

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