Forest Fires -background information

Apr 6, 2016 by Claire Paquette

    In the past few years, more people have been building their homes in the country (near forests and rural areas). Homeowners enjoy the country as it has beautiful views and also because of the environment they’re exposed to; however when living in the country you also have to keep in mind that your home could be at risk if a forest fire occurred.

     A majority of homeowners are not prepared for a forest fire, leaving their home at risk. Most houses that are saved from forest fires, are because the owners were prepared and had plans. Forest fires spread quickly, which doesn’t give the owners very much time to think about what they should do. There is a way to protect your home from a forest fire, and that is to plan ahead.

     There are many different ways to prepare for fires and the more preparing/planning you do, the better. You should always know the fire laws for your community, and make sure that fire trucks and other fire vehicles are able to get to our house. Something that is important, is to know weather conditions that could potentially start a forest fire so that if those conditions occur you know that a fire could occur. Protect your house by getting fireproof roofing and always ensure that your children know the fire escape plan. You should always be prepared for a forest fire and home owners should have plans to try and avoid/protect their homes if the situation occurred. 

I found my information from a website that consisted of forest fire safety ( Using my findings, I was able to answer my question to the best of my ability.

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1 Comment(s)

Apr 10, 2016

Are there any natural benefits for the forest in a forest fire event? 

Claire Paquette
Apr 14, 2016

A natural benefit that would occur from a forest fire in Gananoque would be regrowth of trees!

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