Freezing Rain

Apr 6, 2016 by Tanner F


Based on the freezing rain projection I think it will effect Gananoque and the surrounding area a lot. This will affect many different things. Roads will be dangerous to drive on with ice and that means there could be more accidents and maybe even deaths. We could lose power for a long periods of time which would be a problem for most people with houses. Some people might be left without heat. People would be forced to buy generators. Also schools could close a lot more often because buses can’t drive on ice covered roads and school would have no power. If the projections are true it says in 2050 freezing rain could increase by 50% and we had a lot of school days cancelled this year so it would only get worse. I also think if there is a lot of ice and it is heavy, power lines and trees could go down.


  • If freezing rain increases a lot by 2050 will we have to design a new way to distribute power if power lines can’t hold heavy ice?

I thought this was a good question because power is important and it is hard to live without it.

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