Mosquito-borne disease increase Inquiry

Environment   Apr 6, 2016 by Gabriel I. Allen

My Inquiry is about the increase of Mosquito-born diseases. I originally hypothesized about increased Solar Radiation mutating viruses, making them more deadlier, but I decided to take a more realistic approach and thought about the increase in the Mosquito population, which would also increase the infection rate for various Mosquito-borne diseases such as Malaria, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, and Sleeping Sickness just to name a few. And I personally think that this is a great concern as the increased Mosquito population and infection rate would cause drastic effects on not just the Ontario economy, but the worlds total economies as a whole.

Based on research done from the Wikipedia and a scientist who studies insects named Paul, due to flooding in the Spring time where flooding is more common, Mosquitoes would breed in the flooded farmlands where its rich with plants. Every year the amount of Mosquitoes would increase with the amount of flooding, so by 2050 there will be around 8000 cases of Dengue Fever alone across the Americas compared to the average 2800 now. The major increase in infection rates would also increase the death rates as well, the majority of the deceased would be farmers and hunters, without most of the farmers, there would be a major decrease in crop and meat sales, and with most of the Hunters dead the animal population would slightly to majorly increase. Because of this Mosquito problem alone, the Food market would be on the verge of collapsing, separating various consumers from there food source, poverty will also increase and therefore death rates.

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3 Comment(s)

May 12, 2016

Wow you paint a scary picture! Interesting topic. I am curious to know how immunization might fit into this picture: we are immunized for many of these viruses by choice in our childhoods. Rates of immunization are dropping. Could this encourage immunization programs and research? Another thing I would like you to check into is the recent decision to spray to kill off mosquitoes in all of Ottawa. 

Apr 12, 2016

Very cool, I also posted about a similar topic. If you could list your sites that would be helpful (:


Terrance Bennett
Apr 8, 2016

Very interesting!

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