Climate Change Affecting Crop Growing and Harvesting

Apr 7, 2016 by Nicolas


  • Climate change would affect growing crops and our farming industry. Climate change would increase the growing season by having warmer days. The warmer weather would mean we could grow more crops like the crops grown towards the south. Warmer weather would also increase the need for irrigation systems whether it would be too wet at times or too dry. Irrigation systems would need to be put in for pasturing animals so they have enough grass and plants to eat.


  1. The rain and moisture increases in certain parts of the year but, would the dry times become dryer?

I thought this was a good question because it would help Agricultural businesses plan what and when they do certain work.  

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2 Comment(s)

May 12, 2016

What would bulk irrigation of fields look like in this area? Would we use underground water sources or pipe it from lakes and other surface water? Would this increased use have other consequences?

Apr 18, 2016

How would the growing season increase if climate change will cause more droughts and heavy rainfall?

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