Forest Fires -Question/answer #4

Apr 9, 2016 by Claire Paquette

Question: If schools were warned that there would be an increase in fire forests as the years go on, how could they prepare themselves for the fires? Is there something they should do to keep their students and staff safe?


     Natural disasters such as forest fires have impacted the lives of millions. Many families across the world have lost a family member from a forest fire as they were not prepared. These fires react and spread extremely quickly, not allowing any time to create a plan. Planning ahead is always a good idea, all schools should have a "School Disaster Management Committee" to learn about the community and see how prone their school is to a forest fire. The committee would make sure that the school is prepared for a fire and will annually have evacuation drills and see how fast the students can get out. Something that schools should start to do is, post the forest fire hazards for their community so that students are aware of when they should be prepared. Having a designated spot for students to go if the alarm went off would help them so that they don't panic. After the committee creates the plan, they should announce it to the entire school so that everyone is aware of what's going on and what they should do if a fire ever occurred in their school.

     In conclusion, there are many ways that schools can prepare for forest fires. If every school were to get a committee, they could potentially save the lives of many students and staff in the school. We should always be prepared for a forest fire; however many of us are not educated about the risks of these fires.

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