How climate change affects both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems in Northwestern Ontario

Environment   Apr 12, 2016 by emily

Our hypothesis is focused on how climate change has and will effect both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. We made this because we wanted to do something animal related. Its a great question because it saves animals. We found that climate change has negatively affected animals of the northwestern ontario ecosystems.

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2 Comment(s)

Kayla Greenman
Apr 18, 2016

What an excellent idea to research specifically with animals. People forget that animals make up a large part of our world and we wouldn't be able to thrive without them. I can't wait to see what your school comes out with, and what your plan is to help save the animals. 

Stephen MacKinnon
Apr 18, 2016

What animals are you look at?

Apr 18, 2016

All of them

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