Food waste

Environment   Apr 14, 2016 by Max

How much food do we actually consume among all the food we produce? Human waste one-third of their food production world-wide. Notably, most of it never reached consumer's hands. Farm, retailers, restaurants, transportation food manufacturing and processing all play a role in the chain of food waste. That's about 1.3 billion tonnes per year. On the national level, Canadians waste $31 billion of food every year, approximately 40% of food produced yearly in Canada. In Toronto, single-family households discard about 275 kilos of food waste each year.

In Toronto, taxpayers spend nearly $10 million a year getting rid of food waste that's not composted. That money could be used to improve our city if we stop picking food for their attractive appearance in grocery stores because approximately 80% of consumer food waste was once perfectly edible. About 20 per cent of Canada's methane emissions (a greenhouse gas that traps 25 times more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide) come from landfills. 

To prevent food waste and improve Ontario's environment, the government shall pass a  policy that forces all manufacturer, retailer and stores to accept food that is edible. In addition, government should call attention on food waste through advertisements, social medias and speeches.

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