Heath Impacts of Climate Change

Health   Apr 15, 2016 by Amanda Ma

As indicated, Climate change can have both a direct and an indirect impact on human health. The change in temperature is causing extreme heat and degraded, or poor air quality. The background ambient levels of ground-level ozone are also expected to double as a cause of climate change. This means that if the temperature continues to increase, it will worsen the affects that people with conditions relating to the respiratory system get. Our health is also indirectly impacted by extreme heat that sometimes result in power outages, damage to infrastructure, etc. This may result in an increase in risks of food contamination and even create challenges for accessing healthy food. 

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1 Comment(s)

Alexia Gardoque
Apr 27, 2016

This seems like an interesting topic you have chosen for your blog. This has good points and is engaging to the readers. 

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