The limitations of local food production

Environment   Apr 18, 2016 by Jesse madahbee

as a group we've realized there are a a lot of limitations, such as where we live we have low soil levels so it's not that easy to grow crops. Getting certified is complicated I'm not saying that it shouldn't be because obviously we want the food we are eating to be safe but on manitoulin I don't think there is anyone that Certifies farms which doesn't make sense because we have a lot of farming area.  

You have to go to college or university to be a "farmer" which takes time and money (you should be educated though don't get me wrong) and then after all the money you've spent going to school for those 2 or 4 years now you have to either get your own farm and everything you need to farm or work on someone else's farm but wages are low for a worker in this field. 

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