inquiry #2

Health   Mar 24, 2017 by asanni

What are some ways that Toronto has been trying to improve air quality?

some ways that we could help the air quality in Toronto are by encouraging cycling. recently, the city of Toronto have added in bike lanes which encourages people to ride their bikes more. we could also encourage more people to use public transit rather than driving. We have the TTC that operates buses, subway and street cars and the daily there are an average of 2.70 million people that use it. yes, using  the bus or trains still release green house gases in the environment but it does not make as much of an impact as one person driving a car. another strategy would be to reduce idling time. Toronto has an Idle Control Law that prohibits people's car engines from idling for more than one minute.these two strategies really helps the city and hopefully it could be a guide to other countries. 

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