Inquiry Question Blog #1

Environment   Mar 22, 2017 by Kevin

What would be a good balance point for animals and humans to both benefit from? How much would humans have to sacrifice to make the necessary changes for animals to survive? Are humans financially and emotionally ready to make these changes? 

This question was relatively easy to create, the importance of animal lives are always on my mind. Animals play an essential role to the health of humans as they have a huge impact on the resources that humans require in order to survive. Bee’s have a one third effect on the food that we consume. Although I am always thinking about the importance of animals, I am also thinking about reality. I wonder at the reality of how many of us are actually willing to sacrifice the daily practices that we are accustomed to in order to save species. If people decide to save species, we would have to give up some of our practices to do so. For example; we may have to give up the usage of fossil fuels and switch to an alternative which may be less cost efficient. In addition, we would have to pay financially in order to save the habitats and lives of species. Many organizations and government officials have already begun the reservation and conservation of these animals, but they have paid a pricey sum. The public can learn more by searching through government official websites and educational websites. This question is important as it offers a realistic point of view to the people who are attempting to solve the issues with species. It allows them to find a balance in which both humans and other species will benefit from the process. The balance point will offer a semi-solution and a cost effective yet efficient solution to the environment which is beneficial to everyone. 

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2 Comment(s)

Mar 26, 2017

Reaching a balance - I think this is a great point that you have brought up. I think about the change in people's lifestyles such as veganism and vegetarianism. They are more than just a fad. I think it is very real that people have begun to care about animals and as such are adopting an alternative lifestyle in order to refrain from consuming animals and animal products.

Jessica Karafilov
Mar 22, 2017

Hey Kevin,

Very interesting perspective! I would agree that while all of us 'want to fight climate change', how many of us are actually taking action? And if we aren't why not? I look forward to hearing what you come up with on that topic.

Here's some food for thought:

Keep up the great work!

Jessica (program assistant @ GreenLearning)

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