Blog post #2

Environment   Mar 31, 2017 by Najwa Sharif

Through research I found out a lot on how climate change affects the birds that live in Toronto. Birds usually lay their eggs in a regular routine so the weather accommodate the needs of their eggs. But due to climate change birds have to change up their routine due to the fact that the climate is stable. Also migration times are affected because now birds can stay during winter or have to leave during summer because the winters are not cold and summers are not too hot. Also extinction is at a rise because birds are finding it hard to reproduce with the hectic weather.The birds behaviors are changing because now they have to learn how to accommodate their basic needs of living with the new climate. I found most of my research information from : This website helped my find a more clear and precise view point of my topic.In conclusion Climate change really does have a huge impact on birds and their living and if we continue our way of life and climate change gets worse we can face losing a mass majority of our birds we have today in Toronto.

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