Climate change can attract invasive species

Environment   Apr 6, 2016 by Madison Morey


  • Invasive Species – If the number of hot days increase, the environment will change which will attract more invasive species. If invasive species come to Gananoque the species and plants already here will be affected by the new ones coming in. Most of the species and plants here will be killed by the invasive species and some will be forced to go somewhere else to survive.


  1. What types of invasive species will come to Gananoque if it gets warmer?
  2. How will those invasive species get here?
  3. What species and plants already in Gananoque be affected?
  4. How will the people of Gananoque be affected?
  5. How will this affect Gananoque in the long run?
  6. What ways could the people of Gananoque get rid of the invasive species?

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1 Comment(s)

May 12, 2016

Hi Madison - I'm looking for your to include your primary source contact here in the blog to let others see what your expert had to say. I would also like to see your research answers. 

Moving into part 2 of this project I would like you to consider how 1 specific invasive species will impact Canada economically - for example the emerald ash bore might eradicate all ash trees - how will this impact the forestry industry? Or perhaps wild parsnip - our township is in debate over spraying for it. What will the costs of that spraying program be for the citizens here?

Mr. A

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