Limitations of Local Food Production

Apr 18, 2016 by Victoria Tardif

My group talked about the limitations of local food production. Some of the limitations included the cost of equipment, the competition of larger companies, how much energy farms use, how difficult it is to get certified to sell local food, and most of the land isn't suitable for farming. Some of the solutions we came up with were if everyone is buying local them bigger companies wouldn't be a problem, the food would be fresher and less expensive so more people would want to buy it, we could try to make certification easier, and different soils and land could be specialized for a larger variety of products.

During today's video conference I learned a lot about how we can all help reduce the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere and stop climate change. We can do this locally by using more public transportation, car pooling, and riding bikes or walking. We can also eat local food to reduce the amount of CO2 produced by transporting non essential foods to Ontario. Also we can start using more environmentally friendly energy sources such as windmills and solar panels.

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